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We live in a world of growing violence. Peace-building and reconciliation have become the need of the hour. The Kerala Jesuit Province of the Society of Jesus has established an institute, namely Loyola Institute of Peace and International Relations (LIPI), for promoting peace. It was officially launched on 1 November 2015. Justice Kurian Joseph (Former Judge, Supreme Court of India) Inaugurating LIPI.

  1. Goals and Objectives
  1. In the contemporary Indian context where consumerism, materialism, violence against women, ethnic conflict and religious fundamentalism are on the increase, the institute named Loyola Institute of Peace and International Relations (LIPI), aims to foster an atmosphere of peace with a multi-pronged approach.
  2. It would explore various conceptual resources such as scientific, religious, academic, and cultural aspects. It envisages new strategies and concrete steps for conflict resolution.
  3. The Institute hopes to achieve its goals through strategic plans for Research Facilities, Publications, Conferring Academic Degrees, Spiritual Development Programs, and campaigns to popularize the theme of peace.
  4. Supported by competent faculty and eminent resource persons, the Institute will have a predominantly interdisciplinary approach, quite in consonance with the present-day academic trends.
  5. Networking with similar institutes and other organizations sharing a common vision is yet another major dimension of the proposed Institute.